Anime fandom parallel to hip hop: my “normie” perspective

As indicative of my recent posts pertaining to anime in general rather than individual anime series, my intention is to build a solid knowledge base in anime. Although in part motivated by my novelty to the medium, I'm also genuinely interested in learning about it; I don't want to just enjoy consuming anime, I want to be able … Continue reading Anime fandom parallel to hip hop: my “normie” perspective

Re: What’s the Matter with Moe? An Inside Look

Unnecessary exclamation mark!

Previously, The Mary Sue argued that we should be critical of ‘objectification’ by ignoring contexts of characterization and treating anime girls as no more than objects in the first place. Now they want the community to be ‘critical about cuteness’, as they vaguely denounce the ‘adult male’ viewership of moe as misogynistic, and conclude that moe is ‘alienating’ for those who want to see ‘real women’ in anime, and not the lovable and hyperreal figures modern Japanese culture is full of.

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